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Keyed DI support in IHttpClientFactory

In this article, you learn how to integrate IHttpClientFactory with Keyed Services.

Keyed Services (also called Keyed DI) is a dependency injection (DI) feature that allows you to conveniently operate with multiple implementations of a single service. Upon registration, you can associate different service keys with the specific implementations. At run time, this key is used in lookup in combination with a service type, which means you can retrieve a specific implementation by passing the matching key. For more information on Keyed Services, and DI in general, see .NET dependency injection.

For an overview on how to use IHttpClientFactory in your .NET application, see IHttpClientFactory with .NET.


IHttpClientFactory and Named HttpClient instances, unsurprisingly, align well with the Keyed Services idea. Historically, among other things, IHttpClientFactory was a way to overcome this long-missing DI feature. But plain Named clients require you to obtain, store, and query the IHttpClientFactory instance—instead of injecting a configured HttpClient—which might be inconvenient. While Typed clients attempt to simplify that part, it comes with a catch: Typed clients are easy to misconfigure and misuse, and the supporting infrastructure can also be a tangible overhead in certain scenarios (for example, on mobile platforms).

Starting from .NET 9 (Microsoft.Extensions.Http and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection packages version 9.0.0+), IHttpClientFactory can leverage Keyed DI directly, introducing a new "Keyed DI approach" (as opposed to "Named" and "Typed" approaches). "Keyed DI approach" pairs the convenient, highly configurable HttpClient registrations with the straightforward injection of the specific configured HttpClient instances.

Basic Usage

As of .NET 9, you need to opt in to the feature by calling the AddAsKeyed extension method. If opted in, the Named client applying the configuration is added to the DI container as a Keyed HttpClient service, using the client's name as a service key, so you can use the standard Keyed Services APIs (for example, FromKeyedServicesAttribute) to obtain the desired Named HttpClient instances (created and configured by IHttpClientFactory). By default, the clients are registered with Scoped lifetime.

The following code illustrates the integration between IHttpClientFactory, Keyed DI, and ASP.NET Core 9.0 Minimal APIs:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// --- (1) Registration ---
builder.Services.AddHttpClient("github", c =>
        c.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://api.github.com/");
        c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
        c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "dotnet");
    .AddAsKeyed(); // Add HttpClient as a Keyed Scoped service for key="github"

var app = builder.Build();

// --- (2) Obtaining HttpClient instance ---
// Directly inject the Keyed HttpClient by its name
app.MapGet("/", ([FromKeyedServices("github")] HttpClient httpClient) =>
    // --- (3) Using HttpClient instance ---


record Repo(string Name, string Url);

Endpoint response:

> ~  curl http://localhost:5000/

In the example, the configured HttpClient is injected into the request handler through the standard Keyed DI infrastructure, which is integrated into ASP.NET Core parameter binding. For more information on Keyed Services in ASP.NET Core, see Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core.

Comparison of Keyed, Named, and Typed approaches

Consider only the IHttpClientFactory-related code from the Basic Usage example:

services.AddHttpClient("github", /* ... */).AddAsKeyed();                // (1)

app.MapGet("/", ([FromKeyedServices("github")] HttpClient httpClient) => // (2)
    //httpClient.Get....                                                 // (3)

This code snippet illustrates how the registration (1), obtaining the configured HttpClient instance (2), and using the obtained client instance as needed (3) can look when using the Keyed DI approach.

Compare how the same steps are achieved with the two "older" approaches.

First, with the Named approach:

services.AddHttpClient("github", /* ... */);                          // (1)

app.MapGet("/github", (IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory) =>
    HttpClient httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("github"); // (2)
    //return httpClient.Get....                                       // (3)

Second, with the Typed approach:

services.AddHttpClient<GitHubClient>(/* ... */);          // (1)

app.MapGet("/github", (GitHubClient gitHubClient) =>

public class GitHubClient(HttpClient httpClient)          // (2)
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = httpClient;

    public Task<Repo> GetRepoAsync() =>
        //_httpClient.Get....                             // (3)

Out of the three, the Keyed DI approach offers the most succinct way to achieve the same behavior.

Built-in DI container validation

If you enabled the Keyed registration for a specific Named client, you can access it with any existing Keyed DI APIs. But if you erroneously try to use a name that isn't enabled yet, you get the standard Keyed DI exception:


provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("keyed"); // OK

// Throws: No service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' has been registered.

Additionally, the Scoped lifetime of the clients can help catch cases of captive dependencies:


// Throws: Cannot resolve scoped service 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' from root provider.

using var scope = provider.CreateScope();
scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("scoped"); // OK

// Throws: Cannot consume scoped service 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' from singleton 'CapturingSingleton'.
public class CapturingSingleton([FromKeyedServices("scoped")] HttpClient httpClient)
//{ ...

Service lifetime selection

By default, AddAsKeyed() registers HttpClient as a Keyed Scoped service. You can also explicitly specify the lifetime by passing the ServiceLifetime parameter to the AddAsKeyed() method:



If you call AddAsKeyed() within a Typed client registration, only the underlying Named client is registered as Keyed. The Typed client itself continues to be registered as a plain Transient service.

Avoid transient HttpClient memory leak


HttpClient is IDisposable, so we strongly recommend avoiding Transient lifetime for Keyed HttpClient instances.

Registering the client as a Keyed Transient service leads to the HttpClient and HttpMessageHandler instances being captured by DI container, as both implement IDisposable. This can result in memory leaks if the client is resolved multiple times within Singleton services.

Avoid captive dependency


If HttpClient is registered either:

  • as a Keyed Singleton, -OR-
  • as a Keyed Scoped or Transient, and injected within a long-running (longer than HandlerLifetime) application Scope, -OR-
  • as a Keyed Transient, and injected into a Singleton service,

—the HttpClient instance becomes captive, and will likely outlive its expected HandlerLifetime. IHttpClientFactory has no control over captive clients, they're NOT able to participate in the handler rotation, and it can result in the loss of DNS changes. A similar issue already exists for Typed clients, which are registered as Transient services.

In cases when client's longevity can't be avoided—or if it's consciously desired, for example, for a Keyed Singleton—it's advised to leverage SocketsHttpHandler by setting PooledConnectionLifetime to a reasonable value.

    .AddAsKeyed(ServiceLifetime.Singleton) // explicit singleton
    .UseSocketsHttpHandler((h, _) => h.PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2))
    .SetHandlerLifetime(Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan); // disable rotation

public class MySingleton([FromKeyedServices("shared")] HttpClient shared) // { ...

Beware of scope mismatch

While Scoped lifetime is much less problematic for the Named HttpClients (compared to Singleton and Transient pitfalls), it has its own catch.


Keyed Scoped lifetime of a specific HttpClient instance is bound—as expected—to the "ordinary" application scope (for example, incoming request scope) where it was resolved from. However, it does NOT apply to the underlying message handler chain, which is still managed by the IHttpClientFactory, in the same way it is for the Named clients created directly from factory. HttpClients with the same name, but resolved (within a HandlerLifetime timeframe) in two different scopes (for example, two concurrent requests to the same endpoint), can reuse the same HttpMessageHandler instance. That instance, in turn, has its own separate scope, as illustrated in the Message handler scopes.


The Scope Mismatch problem is nasty and long-existing one, and as of .NET 9 still remains unsolved. From a service injected through the regular DI infra, you would expect all the dependencies to be satisfied from the same scope—but for the Keyed Scoped HttpClient instances, that's unfortunately not the case.

Keyed message handler chain

For some advanced scenarios, you might want to access HttpMessageHandler chain directly, instead of an HttpClient object. IHttpClientFactory provides IHttpMessageHandlerFactory interface to create the handlers; and if you enable Keyed DI, then not only HttpClient, but also the respective HttpMessageHandler chain is registered as a Keyed service:


var handler = provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpMessageHandler>("keyed-handler");
var invoker = new HttpMessageInvoker(handler, disposeHandler: false);

How to: Switch from Typed approach to Keyed DI


We currently recommend using Keyed DI approach instead of Typed clients.

A minimal-change switch from an existing Typed client to a Keyed dependency can look as follows:

- services.AddHttpClient<Service>(         // (1) Typed client
+ services.AddHttpClient(nameof(Service),  // (1) Named client
      c => { /* ... */ }                   // HttpClient configuration
- );
+ ).AddAsKeyed();                          // (1) + Keyed DI opt-in

+ services.AddTransient<Service>();        // (1) Plain Transient service

  public class Service(
-                                          // (2) "Hidden" Named dependency
+     [FromKeyedServices(nameof(Service))] // (2) Explicit Keyed dependency
      HttpClient httpClient) // { ...

In the example:

  1. The registration of the Typed client Service is split into:
    • A registration of a Named client nameof(Service) with the same HttpClient configuration, and an opt-in to Keyed DI; and
    • Plain Transient service Service.
  2. HttpClient dependency in Service is explicitly bound to a Keyed Service with a key nameof(Service).

The name doesn't have to be nameof(Service), but the example aimed to minimize the behavioral changes. Internally, typed clients use Named clients, and by default, such "hidden" Named clients go by the linked Typed client's type name. In this case, the "hidden" name was nameof(Service), so the example preserved it.

Technically, the example "unwraps" the Typed client, so that the previously "hidden" Named client becomes "exposed," and the dependency is satisfied via the Keyed DI infra instead of the Typed client infra.

How to: Opt in to Keyed DI by default

You don't have to call AddAsKeyed for every single client—you can easily opt in "globally" (for any client name) via ConfigureHttpClientDefaults. From Keyed Services perspective, it results in the KeyedService.AnyKey registration.

services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(b => b.AddAsKeyed());

services.AddHttpClient("first", /* ... */);
services.AddHttpClient("second", /* ... */);
services.AddHttpClient("third", /* ... */);

public class MyController(
    [FromKeyedServices("first")] HttpClient first,
    [FromKeyedServices("second")] HttpClient second,
    [FromKeyedServices("third")] HttpClient third)
//{ ...

Beware Of "Unknown" clients


KeyedService.AnyKey registrations define a mapping from any key value to some service instance. However, as a result, the Container validation doesn't apply, and an erroneous key value silently leads to a wrong instance being injected.


For Keyed HttpClients, a mistake in the client name can result in erroneously injecting an "unknown" client—meaning, a client whose name was never registered.

The same is true for the plain Named clients: IHttpClientFactory doesn't require the client name to be explicitly registered (aligning with the way the Options pattern works). The factory gives you an unconfigured—or, more precisely, default-configured—HttpClient for any unknown name.


Therefore, it's important to keep in mind: the "Keyed by default" approach covers not only all registered HttpClients, but all the clients that IHttpClientFactory is able to create.

services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(b => b.AddAsKeyed());
services.AddHttpClient("known", /* ... */);

provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("known");   // OK
provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("unknown"); // OK (unconfigured instance)

"Opt-in" strategy considerations

Even though the "global" opt-in is a one-liner, it's unfortunate that the feature still requires it, instead of just working "out of the box." For full context and reasoning on that decision, see dotnet/runtime#89755 and dotnet/runtime#104943. In short, the main blocker for "on by default" is the ServiceLifetime "controversy": for the current (9.0.0) state of the DI and IHttpClientFactory implementations, there's no single ServiceLifetime that would be reasonably safe for all HttpClients in all possible situations. There's an intention, however, to address the caveats in the upcoming releases, and switch the strategy from "opt-in" to "opt-out".

How to: Opt out from keyed registration

You can explicitly opt out from Keyed DI for HttpClients by calling the RemoveAsKeyed extension method, either per client name:

services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(b => b.AddAsKeyed());      // opt IN by default
services.AddHttpClient("keyed", /* ... */);
services.AddHttpClient("not-keyed", /* ... */).RemoveAsKeyed(); // opt OUT per name

provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("keyed");     // OK
provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("not-keyed"); // Throws: No service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' has been registered.
provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("unknown");   // OK (unconfigured instance)

Or "globally" with ConfigureHttpClientDefaults:

services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(b => b.RemoveAsKeyed()); // opt OUT by default
services.AddHttpClient("keyed", /* ... */).AddAsKeyed();      // opt IN per name
services.AddHttpClient("not-keyed", /* ... */);

provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("keyed");     // OK
provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("not-keyed"); // Throws: No service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' has been registered.
provider.GetRequiredKeyedService<HttpClient>("unknown");   // Throws: No service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' has been registered.

Order of precedence

If called together or any of them more than once, AddAsKeyed() and RemoveAsKeyed() generally follow the rules of IHttpClientFactory configs and DI registrations:

  1. If called for the same name, the last setting wins: the lifetime from the last AddAsKeyed() is used to create the Keyed registration (unless RemoveAsKeyed() was called last, in which case the name is excluded).
  2. If used only within ConfigureHttpClientDefaults, the last setting wins.
  3. If both ConfigureHttpClientDefaults and specific client name were used, all defaults are considered to "happen" before all per-name settings. Thus, defaults can be disregarded, and the last of the per-name settings wins.

See also