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Event log options for Azure Virtual Network Manager

Azure Virtual Network Manager uses Azure Monitor for data collection and analysis like many other Azure services. Azure Virtual Network Manager provides event logs for each network manager. You can store and view event logs with Azure Monitor’s Log Analytics tool in the Azure portal, and through a storage account. You may also send these logs to an event hub or partner solution.

Supported log categories

Azure Virtual Network Manager currently provides the following log categories:

  • Network group membership change
    • Track when a particular virtual network’s network group membership is modified. In other words, a log is emitted when a virtual network is added to or removed from a network group. This can be used to trace network group membership changes over time and to capture a snapshot of a particular virtual network’s network group membership.
  • Rule collection change
    • Track when a particular virtual network’s set of applied security admin rule collections changes. A log is emitted for every rule collection deployed to a virtual network via the network group the rule collection is targeting. Any removal of a rule collection from a network group through a deployment process will also result in a log for each affected virtual network. This schema can be used to track what rule collection(s) have been deployed to a particular virtual network over time.
    • If a virtual network is receiving security admin rule collections from multiple network managers, logs will be emitted separately for each network manager for their respective rule collection changes.
    • If a virtual network is added to or removed from a network group that already has a rule collection(s) deployed onto it, a log will be emitted for that virtual network showing the state of applied rule collection(s).
  • Connectivity configuration change
    • Track when a particular virtual network's applied connectivity configuration(s) changes. A log is emitted for every connectivity configuration deployed to a virtual network via the network group the configuration is targeting. Any removal of a connectivity configuration from a network group or vice versa through a deployment process will also result in a log for each affected virtual network. This schema can be used to track what connectivity configuration(s) and their respective topology types have been deployed to a particular virtual network over time.
    • If a virtual network is receiving connectivity configurations from multiple network managers, logs will be emitted separately for each network manager for their respective configuration changes.
    • If a virtual network is added to or removed from a network group that already has a connectivity configuration(s) deployed onto it, a log will be emitted for that virtual network showing the state of applied connectivity configuration(s).

Network group membership change attributes

This category emits one log per network group membership change. So, when a virtual network is added to or removed from a network group, a log is emitted correlating to that single addition or removal for that particular virtual network. The following attributes correspond to the logs that would be sent to your storage account; Log Analytics logs have slightly different attributes.

Attribute Description
time Datetime when the event was logged.
resourceId Resource ID of the network manager.
location Location of the virtual network resource.
operationName Operation that resulted in the virtual network being added or removed. Always the Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/networkGroupMembership/write operation.
category Category of this log. Always NetworkGroupMembershipChange.
resultType Indicates successful or failed operation.
correlationId GUID that can help relate or debug logs.
level Always Info.
properties Collection of properties of the log.

Within the properties attribute are several nested attributes:

properties attributes Description
Message A static message stating if a network group membership change was successful or unsuccessful.
MembershipId Default membership ID of the virtual network.
GroupMemberships Collection of what network groups the virtual network belongs to. There may be multiple NetworkGroupId and Sources listed within this property since a virtual network can belong to multiple network groups simultaneously.
MemberResourceIds Resource ID of the virtual network that was added to or removed from a network group.

Within the GroupMemberships attribute are several nested attributes:

GroupMemberships attributes Description
NetworkGroupId ID of a network group the virtual network belongs to.
Sources Collection of how the virtual network is a member of the network group.

Within the Sources attribute are several nested attributes:

Sources attributes Description
Type Denotes whether the virtual network was added manually (StaticMembership) or conditionally via Azure Policy (Policy).
StaticMemberId If the Type value is StaticMembership, this property appears.
PolicyAssignmentId If the Type value is Policy, this property appears. ID of the Azure Policy assignment that associates the Azure Policy definition to the network group.
PolicyDefinitionId If the Type value is Policy, this property appears. ID of the Azure Policy definition that contains the conditions for the network group’s membership.

Rule collection change attributes

This category emits one log per security admin rule collection change per virtual network. So, when a security admin rule collection is applied to or removed from a virtual network through its network group, a log is emitted correlating to that change in rule collection for that particular virtual network. The following attributes correspond to the logs that would be sent to your storage account; Log Analytics logs will have slightly different attributes.

Attribute Description
time Datetime when the event was logged.
resourceId Resource ID of the network manager.
location Location of the virtual network resource.
operationName Operation that resulted in the virtual network being added or removed. Always the Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminRuleCollections/write operation.
category Category of this log. Always RuleCollectionChange.
resultType Indicates successful or failed operation.
correlationId GUID that can help relate or debug logs.
level Always Info.
properties Collection of properties of the log.

Within the properties attribute are several nested attributes:

properties attributes Description
TargetResourceIds Resource ID of the virtual network that experienced a change in rule collection application.
Message A static message stating if a rule collection change was successful or unsuccessful.
AppliedRuleCollectionIds Collection of what security admin rule collections are applied to the virtual network at the time the log was emitted. There may be multiple rule collection IDs listed since a virtual network can belong to multiple network groups and have multiple rule collections applied simultaneously.

Connectivity configuration change attributes

This category emits one log per connectivity configuration change per virtual network. So, when a connectivity configuration is applied to or removed from a virtual network through its network group, a log is emitted correlating to that change in connectivity configuration set for that particular virtual network. The following attributes correspond to the logs that would be sent to your storage account; Log Analytics logs will have slightly different attributes.

Attribute Description
time Datetime when the event was logged.
resourceId Resource ID of the network manager.
location Location of the virtual network resource.
operationName Operation that resulted in the virtual network being added or removed.
category Category of this log. Always ConnectivityConfigurationChange.
resultType Indicates successful or failed operation.
correlationId GUID that can help relate or debug logs.
level Info or Warning.
properties Collection of properties of the log.

Within the properties attribute are several nested attributes:

properties attributes Description
AppliedConnectivityConfigurations Collection of what connectivity configuration(s) are applied to the virtual network at the time the log was emitted. There may be multiple connectivity configurations listed since a network group can have multiple connectivity configurations applied simultaneously, and a virtual network can belong to multiple network groups with multiple connectivity configurations applied simultaneously as well.
TargetResourceIds Resource ID of the virtual network that experienced a change in connectivity configuration application.
Message A static message stating if the connectivity configuration change was successful or unsuccessful.


Connectivity configuration allows virtual networks with overlapping IP spaces within the same connected group, but communication to an overlapped IP address is dropped. In addition, when a connected group’s VNet is peered with an external VNet (a VNet not in the connected group) that has overlapping address spaces, these overlapping address spaces become inaccessible within the connected group. Traffic from the peered VNet to the overlapping address spaces is routed to the external VNet, while traffic from other VNets in the connected group to the overlapping address spaces is dropped. Logs will show a "Warning" level, with the TargetResourceIds field indicating the IDs of VNets with overlapping address spaces and a message indicating that either complete or partial address spaces are inaccessible due to overlapping addresses.

Within the AppliedConnectivityConfigurations attribute are several nested attributes:

AppliedConnectivityConfigurations attributes Description
ConfigurationId ID of a connectivity configuration applied onto the virtual network.
Topology Type of topology the connectivity configuration is intended to build among the network group(s) it is applied to. Can be Mesh or HubAndSpoke.

Accessing logs

Depending on how you consume event logs, you need to set up a Log Analytics workspace or a storage account for storing your log events.

When setting up a Log Analytics workspace or a storage account, you need to select a region. If you’re using a storage account, it needs to be in the same region of the virtual network manager you’re accessing logs from. If you’re using a Log Analytics workspace, it can be in any region.

The network manager accessing the events isn't required to be in the same subscription as the Log Analytics workspace or the storage account used for storage, but permissions may restrict your ability to access logs across different subscriptions.


At least one virtual network must experience an event captured by the categories above in order to generate logs. A log will generate for each event a couple minutes after the change occurs.

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