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Fix common errors for Datadog

This document contains information about troubleshooting your solutions that use Datadog.

Marketplace Purchase errors

  • The Microsoft.SaaS RP is not registered on the Azure subscription.

  • Plan cannot be purchased on a free subscription, please upgrade your account.

  • Purchase has failed because we couldn't find a valid payment method associated with your Azure subscription.

  • The Publisher does not make available Offer, Plan in your Subscription/Azure account’s region.

    • The offer or the specific plan isn't available to the billing account market that is connected to the Azure Subscription.
  • Enrollment for Azure Marketplace is set to Free/BYOL SKUs only, purchase for Azure product is not allowed. Please contact your enrollment administrator to change EA settings.

  • Marketplace is not enabled for the Azure subscription.

  • Plan by publisher is not available to you for purchase due to private marketplace settings made by your tenant’s IT administrator.

    • Customer uses private marketplace to limit the access of its organization to specific offers and plans. The specific offer or the plan weren't set up to be available in the tenant's private marketplace. Contact your tenant’s IT administrator.
  • The EA subscription doesn't allow Marketplace purchases.

    • Use a different subscription or check if your EA subscription is enabled for Marketplace purchase. For more information, see Enable Marketplace purchases.

If those options don't solve the problem, contact Datadog support.

Unable to create Datadog

To set up the Azure Datadog integration, you must have Owner access on the Azure subscription. Ensure you have the appropriate access before starting the setup.

Single sign-on errors

  • Unable to save Single sign-on settings

    • This error happens where there's another Enterprise app that is using the Datadog SAML identifier. To find which app is using it, select Edit on the Basic SAML Configuration section.

    To resolve this issue, either disable the other app or use the other app as the Enterprise app to set up SAML SSO with Datadog. If you decide to use the other app, ensure the app has the required settings.

  • App not showing in Single sign-on setting page

    • First, search for the application ID. If no result is shown, check the SAML settings of the app. The grid only shows apps with correct SAML settings.

      The Identifier URL must be https://us3.datadoghq.com/account/saml/metadata.xml.

      The reply URL must be https://us3.datadoghq.com/account/saml/assertion.

      The following image shows the correct values.

  • Guest users invited to the tenant are unable to access Single sign-on

    • Some users have two email addresses in Azure portal. Typically, one email is the user principal name (UPN) and the other email is an alternative email.

    When inviting guest user, use the home tenant UPN. By using the UPN, you keep the email address in-sync during the Single sign-on process. You can find the UPN by looking for the email address in the top-right corner of the user's Azure portal.

Logs not being emitted

  • Only resources listed in the Azure Monitor resource log categories emit logs to Datadog.

    To verify whether the resource is emitting logs to Datadog:

    1. Navigate to Azure diagnostic setting for the specific resource.

    2. Verify that there's a Datadog diagnostic setting.

  • Resource doesn't support sending logs. Only resource types with monitoring log categories can be configured to send logs. For more information, see supported categories.

  • Limit of five diagnostic settings reached. Each Azure resource can have a maximum of five diagnostic settings. For more information, see diagnostic settings.

  • Export of Metrics data isn't supported under Azure Monitor diagnostic settings by partner solutions.

Metrics not being emitted

The Datadog resource is assigned a Monitoring Reader role in the appropriate Azure subscription. This role enables the Datadog resource to collect metrics and send those metrics to Datadog.

To verify the resource has the correct role assignment, open the Azure portal and select the subscription. In the left pane, select Access Control (IAM). Search for the Datadog resource name. Confirm that the Datadog resource has the Monitoring Reader role assignment.

Datadog agent installation fails

The Azure Datadog integration provides you with the ability to install Datadog agent on a virtual machine or app service. The API key selected as Default Key in the API Keys screen is used to configure the Datadog agent. If a default key isn't selected, the Datadog agent installation fails.

If the Datadog agent is configured with an incorrect key, navigate to the API keys screen and change the Default Key. You must uninstall the Datadog agent and reinstall it to configure the virtual machine with the new API keys.

Diagnostic settings are active even after disabling the Datadog resource or applying necessary tag rules

If logs are being emitted and diagnostic settings remain active on monitored resources even after the Datadog resource is disabled or tag rules are modified to exclude certain resources, it's likely that there's a delete lock applied to the resources or the resource group containing the resource. This lock prevents the cleanup of the diagnostic settings, and hence, logs continue to be forwarded for those resources. To resolve this issue, remove the delete lock from the resource or the resource group. If the lock is removed after the Datadog resource is deleted, the diagnostic settings have to be cleaned up manually to stop log forwarding.

Diagnostic settings not created as expected after moving a resource

If you need to delete a resource, rename, or move a resource, or migrate it across resource groups or subscriptions, first delete its diagnostic settings. Otherwise, if you recreate this resource, the diagnostic settings for the deleted resource could be included with the new resource, depending on the resource configuration for each resource. If the diagnostics settings are included with the new resource, this resumes the collection of resource logs as defined in the diagnostic setting and sends the applicable metric and log data to the previously configured destination. Also, it's a good practice to delete the diagnostic settings for a resource you're going to delete and don't plan on using again to keep your environment clean. Learn more

Manual updates to diagnostic settings created via tag rules

Diagnostic settings are created based on tag rules. Currently, modifying log categories through the diagnostic settings page is not permitted. While you may be able to uncheck log categories and save them, they will revert to default settings (as per tag rules).

If destination details are modified, a new diagnostic setting with the original configuration is recreated. This is subject to the limitation of a maximum of five diagnostic settings per resource. Learn More

Next steps