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Performance Counters Tools

Data collection tools

The following tools are useful when consuming or manipulating Windows Performance Counter data.

Tool Description
PerfMon GUI tool for collecting and viewing Performance Counter data. perfmon.exe launches MMC with the Performance Monitor snap-in, which provides access to the Performance Monitor, Data Collector Sets, and Reports tools.
TypePerf Command-line tool for collecting and printing Performance Counter data. Can be used to list available countersets, list available counters, print counter data to the console, or collect counter data to a log file (CSV, TDF, BLG).
Relog Command-line tool for transforming and merging log files (CSV, TDF, BLG) captured via typeperf.exe or via the PDH.dll APIs.
LogMan Command-line tool for controlling Data Collector Sets.

Data provider tools

The following tools are useful when publishing Windows Performance Counter data.

Tool Description
CtrPP Command-line build tool from the Windows SDK that validates and compiles your Performance Counters V2 provider manifest. This tool generates the .h headers and .rc resource scripts needed to build a V2 provider.
LodCtr Command-line tool used to install your provider onto a system.
UnlodCtr Command-line tool used to uninstall your provider from a system.