Managed Instances - Create Or Update
Creates or updates a managed instance.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The name of the managed instance. |
path | True |
string |
The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. |
path | True |
string |
The subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription. |
query | True |
string |
The API version to use for the request. |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
location | True |
string |
Resource location. |
identity |
The Azure Active Directory identity of the managed instance. |
properties.administratorLogin |
string |
Administrator username for the managed instance. Can only be specified when the managed instance is being created (and is required for creation). |
properties.administratorLoginPassword |
string |
The administrator login password (required for managed instance creation). |
properties.administrators |
The Azure Active Directory administrator of the instance. This can only be used at instance create time. If used for instance update, it will be ignored or it will result in an error. For updates individual APIs will need to be used. |
properties.authenticationMetadata |
The managed instance's authentication metadata lookup mode. |
properties.collation |
string |
Collation of the managed instance. |
properties.databaseFormat |
Specifies the internal format of instance databases specific to the SQL engine version. |
properties.dnsZonePartner |
string (arm-id) |
The resource id of another managed instance whose DNS zone this managed instance will share after creation. |
properties.hybridSecondaryUsage |
Hybrid secondary usage. Possible values are 'Active' (default value) and 'Passive' (customer uses the secondary as Passive DR). |
properties.instancePoolId |
string |
The Id of the instance pool this managed server belongs to. |
properties.isGeneralPurposeV2 |
boolean |
Whether or not this is a GPv2 variant of General Purpose edition. |
properties.keyId |
string |
A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. |
properties.licenseType |
The license type. Possible values are 'LicenseIncluded' (regular price inclusive of a new SQL license) and 'BasePrice' (discounted AHB price for bringing your own SQL licenses). |
properties.maintenanceConfigurationId |
string |
Specifies maintenance configuration id to apply to this managed instance. |
properties.managedInstanceCreateMode |
Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: Regular instance creation. Restore: Creates an instance by restoring a set of backups to specific point in time. RestorePointInTime and SourceManagedInstanceId must be specified. |
properties.minimalTlsVersion |
string |
Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: 'None', '1.0', '1.1', '1.2' |
properties.pricingModel |
Pricing model of Managed Instance. |
properties.primaryUserAssignedIdentityId |
string (arm-id) |
The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. |
properties.proxyOverride |
Connection type used for connecting to the instance. |
properties.publicDataEndpointEnabled |
boolean |
Whether or not the public data endpoint is enabled. |
properties.requestedBackupStorageRedundancy |
The storage account type to be used to store backups for this instance. The options are Local (LocallyRedundantStorage), Zone (ZoneRedundantStorage), Geo (GeoRedundantStorage) and GeoZone(GeoZoneRedundantStorage) |
properties.restorePointInTime |
string (date-time) |
Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. |
properties.servicePrincipal |
The managed instance's service principal. |
properties.sourceManagedInstanceId |
string (arm-id) |
The resource identifier of the source managed instance associated with create operation of this instance. |
properties.storageIOps |
integer (int32) |
Storage IOps. Minimum value: 300. Maximum value: 80000. Increments of 1 IOps allowed only. Maximum value depends on the selected hardware family and number of vCores. |
properties.storageSizeInGB |
integer (int32) |
Storage size in GB. Minimum value: 32. Maximum value: 16384. Increments of 32 GB allowed only. Maximum value depends on the selected hardware family and number of vCores. |
properties.storageThroughputMBps |
integer (int32) |
Storage throughput MBps parameter is not supported in the instance create/update operation. |
properties.subnetId |
string (arm-id) |
Subnet resource ID for the managed instance. |
properties.timezoneId |
string |
Id of the timezone. Allowed values are timezones supported by Windows. Windows keeps details on supported timezones, including the id, in registry under KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. You can get those registry values via SQL Server by querying SELECT name AS timezone_id FROM sys.time_zone_info. List of Ids can also be obtained by executing [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() in PowerShell. An example of valid timezone id is "Pacific Standard Time" or "W. Europe Standard Time". |
properties.vCores |
integer (int32) |
The number of vCores. Allowed values: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 64, 80. |
properties.zoneRedundant |
boolean |
Whether or not the multi-az is enabled. |
sku |
Managed instance SKU. Allowed values for GP_Gen5, GP_G8IM, GP_G8IH, BC_Gen5, BC_G8IM, BC_G8IH |
tags |
object |
Resource tags. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Successfully updated the managed instance. |
201 Created |
Successfully created the managed instance. |
202 Accepted |
Accepted Headers Location: string |
Other Status Codes |
*** Error Responses: ***
Create managed instance with all properties |
Create managed instance with minimal properties |
Create managed instance with all properties
Sample request
"tags": {
"tagKey1": "TagValue1"
"location": "Japan East",
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose"
"properties": {
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"administratorLoginPassword": "PLACEHOLDER",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
"collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
"dnsZonePartner": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/testinstance",
"publicDataEndpointEnabled": false,
"proxyOverride": "Redirect",
"minimalTlsVersion": "1.2",
"timezoneId": "UTC",
"instancePoolId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/pool1",
"maintenanceConfigurationId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/publicMaintenanceConfigurations/SQL_JapanEast_MI_1",
"requestedBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"administrators": {
"principalType": "User",
"login": "",
"sid": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"tenantId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"azureADOnlyAuthentication": true
"hybridSecondaryUsage": "Passive",
"servicePrincipal": {
"type": "SystemAssigned"
"databaseFormat": "AlwaysUpToDate",
"authenticationMetadata": "AzureAD"
Sample response
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose",
"capacity": 8,
"family": "Gen5"
"properties": {
"fullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"state": "Ready",
"provisioningState": "Creating",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
"collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
"publicDataEndpointEnabled": false,
"proxyOverride": "Redirect",
"minimalTlsVersion": "1.2",
"dnsZone": "1b4e2caff2530",
"timezoneId": "UTC",
"instancePoolId": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/pool1",
"maintenanceConfigurationId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/publicMaintenanceConfigurations/SQL_JapanEast_MI_1",
"currentBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"requestedBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"administrators": {
"principalType": "User",
"login": "",
"sid": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"tenantId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"azureADOnlyAuthentication": true
"servicePrincipal": {
"principalId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"clientId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"tenantId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"type": "SystemAssigned"
"externalGovernanceStatus": "Enabled",
"hybridSecondaryUsage": "Passive",
"databaseFormat": "AlwaysUpToDate",
"authenticationMetadata": "AzureAD"
"location": "japaneast",
"tags": {
"tagKey1": "TagValue1"
"id": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/testinstance",
"name": "testinstance",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances"
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose",
"capacity": 8,
"family": "Gen5"
"properties": {
"fullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"state": "Ready",
"provisioningState": "Creating",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
"collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
"publicDataEndpointEnabled": false,
"proxyOverride": "Redirect",
"minimalTlsVersion": "1.2",
"dnsZone": "1b4e2caff2530",
"timezoneId": "UTC",
"instancePoolId": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/pool1",
"maintenanceConfigurationId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/publicMaintenanceConfigurations/SQL_JapanEast_MI_1",
"currentBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"requestedBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"administrators": {
"principalType": "User",
"login": "",
"sid": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"tenantId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"azureADOnlyAuthentication": true
"servicePrincipal": {
"principalId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"clientId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"tenantId": "00000011-1111-2222-2222-123456789111",
"type": "SystemAssigned"
"hybridSecondaryUsage": "Passive",
"databaseFormat": "AlwaysUpToDate",
"authenticationMetadata": "AzureAD"
"location": "japaneast",
"tags": {
"tagKey1": "TagValue1"
"id": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/testinstance",
"name": "testinstance",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances"
Create managed instance with minimal properties
Sample request
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose"
"properties": {
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"administratorLoginPassword": "PLACEHOLDER",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded"
"location": "Japan East"
Sample response
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose",
"capacity": 8,
"family": "Gen4"
"properties": {
"fullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"state": "Ready",
"provisioningState": "Creating",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
"collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
"publicDataEndpointEnabled": false,
"proxyOverride": "Redirect",
"dnsZone": "1b4e2caff2530",
"currentBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"requestedBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"externalGovernanceStatus": "Enabled",
"hybridSecondaryUsage": "Passive",
"databaseFormat": "SQLServer2022"
"location": "japaneast",
"tags": {},
"id": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/testinstance",
"name": "testinstance",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances"
"sku": {
"name": "GP_Gen5",
"tier": "GeneralPurpose",
"capacity": 8,
"family": "Gen4"
"properties": {
"fullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
"administratorLogin": "dummylogin",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/20D7082A-0FC7-4468-82BD-542694D5042B/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/subnet1",
"state": "Ready",
"provisioningState": "Creating",
"vCores": 8,
"storageSizeInGB": 1024,
"licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
"collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
"publicDataEndpointEnabled": false,
"proxyOverride": "Redirect",
"dnsZone": "1b4e2caff2530",
"currentBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"requestedBackupStorageRedundancy": "Geo",
"externalGovernanceStatus": "Enabled",
"hybridSecondaryUsage": "Passive",
"databaseFormat": "SQLServer2022"
"location": "japaneast",
"tags": {},
"id": "/subscriptions/20d7082a-0fc7-4468-82bd-542694d5042b/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/testinstance",
"name": "testinstance",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances"
Name | Description |
Administrator |
Type of the sever administrator. |
Auth |
The managed instance's authentication metadata lookup mode. |
Backup |
The storage account type used to store backups for this instance. The options are Local (LocallyRedundantStorage), Zone (ZoneRedundantStorage), Geo (GeoRedundantStorage) and GeoZone(GeoZoneRedundantStorage) |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Error |
The error detail. |
Error |
Error response |
External |
Status of external governance. |
Hybrid |
Hybrid secondary usage. Possible values are 'Active' (default value) and 'Passive' (customer uses the secondary as Passive DR). |
Hybrid |
Hybrid secondary usage detected. Possible values are 'Active' (customer does not meet the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR) and 'Passive' (customer meets the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR). |
Identity |
The identity type. Set this to 'SystemAssigned' in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource. |
Managed |
An Azure SQL managed instance. |
Managed |
Specifies the internal format of instance databases specific to the SQL engine version. |
Managed |
Properties of a active directory administrator. |
Managed |
The license type. Possible values are 'LicenseIncluded' (regular price inclusive of a new SQL license) and 'BasePrice' (discounted AHB price for bringing your own SQL licenses). |
Managed |
A private endpoint connection under a managed instance |
Managed |
Properties of a private endpoint connection. |
Managed |
Managed |
Managed |
Connection type used for connecting to the instance. |
Managed |
Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: Regular instance creation. Restore: Creates an instance by restoring a set of backups to specific point in time. RestorePointInTime and SourceManagedInstanceId must be specified. |
Pricing |
Pricing model of Managed Instance. |
Principal |
Principal Type of the sever administrator. |
Provisioning |
Provisioning state of managed instance. |
Resource |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource. |
Service |
The managed instance's service principal configuration for a resource. |
Service |
Service principal type. |
Sku |
An ARM Resource SKU. |
User |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource. |
Type of the sever administrator.
Value | Description |
ActiveDirectory |
The managed instance's authentication metadata lookup mode.
Value | Description |
AzureAD | |
Paired | |
Windows |
The storage account type used to store backups for this instance. The options are Local (LocallyRedundantStorage), Zone (ZoneRedundantStorage), Geo (GeoRedundantStorage) and GeoZone(GeoZoneRedundantStorage)
Value | Description |
Geo | |
GeoZone | |
Local | |
Zone |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
The error detail.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
target |
string |
The error target. |
Error response
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
Status of external governance.
Value | Description |
Disabled | |
Enabled |
Hybrid secondary usage. Possible values are 'Active' (default value) and 'Passive' (customer uses the secondary as Passive DR).
Value | Description |
Active | |
Passive |
Hybrid secondary usage detected. Possible values are 'Active' (customer does not meet the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR) and 'Passive' (customer meets the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR).
Value | Description |
Active | |
Passive |
The identity type. Set this to 'SystemAssigned' in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource.
Value | Description |
None | |
SystemAssigned | |
SystemAssigned,UserAssigned | |
UserAssigned |
An Azure SQL managed instance.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
identity |
The Azure Active Directory identity of the managed instance. |
location |
string |
Resource location. |
name |
string |
Resource name. |
properties.administratorLogin |
string |
Administrator username for the managed instance. Can only be specified when the managed instance is being created (and is required for creation). |
properties.administratorLoginPassword |
string |
The administrator login password (required for managed instance creation). |
properties.administrators |
The Azure Active Directory administrator of the instance. This can only be used at instance create time. If used for instance update, it will be ignored or it will result in an error. For updates individual APIs will need to be used. |
properties.authenticationMetadata |
The managed instance's authentication metadata lookup mode. |
properties.collation |
string |
Collation of the managed instance. |
properties.createTime |
string (date-time) |
Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the Managed Instance creation. |
properties.currentBackupStorageRedundancy |
The storage account type used to store backups for this instance. The options are Local (LocallyRedundantStorage), Zone (ZoneRedundantStorage), Geo (GeoRedundantStorage) and GeoZone(GeoZoneRedundantStorage) |
properties.databaseFormat |
Specifies the internal format of instance databases specific to the SQL engine version. |
properties.dnsZone |
string |
The Dns Zone that the managed instance is in. |
properties.dnsZonePartner |
string (arm-id) |
The resource id of another managed instance whose DNS zone this managed instance will share after creation. |
properties.externalGovernanceStatus |
Status of external governance. |
properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName |
string |
The fully qualified domain name of the managed instance. |
properties.hybridSecondaryUsage |
Hybrid secondary usage. Possible values are 'Active' (default value) and 'Passive' (customer uses the secondary as Passive DR). |
properties.hybridSecondaryUsageDetected |
Hybrid secondary usage detected. Possible values are 'Active' (customer does not meet the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR) and 'Passive' (customer meets the requirements to use the secondary as Passive DR). |
properties.instancePoolId |
string |
The Id of the instance pool this managed server belongs to. |
properties.isGeneralPurposeV2 |
boolean |
Whether or not this is a GPv2 variant of General Purpose edition. |
properties.keyId |
string |
A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. |
properties.licenseType |
The license type. Possible values are 'LicenseIncluded' (regular price inclusive of a new SQL license) and 'BasePrice' (discounted AHB price for bringing your own SQL licenses). |
properties.maintenanceConfigurationId |
string |
Specifies maintenance configuration id to apply to this managed instance. |
properties.managedInstanceCreateMode |
Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: Regular instance creation. Restore: Creates an instance by restoring a set of backups to specific point in time. RestorePointInTime and SourceManagedInstanceId must be specified. |
properties.minimalTlsVersion |
string |
Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: 'None', '1.0', '1.1', '1.2' |
properties.pricingModel |
Pricing model of Managed Instance. |
properties.primaryUserAssignedIdentityId |
string (arm-id) |
The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. |
properties.privateEndpointConnections |
List of private endpoint connections on a managed instance. |
properties.provisioningState |
Provisioning state of managed instance. |
properties.proxyOverride |
Connection type used for connecting to the instance. |
properties.publicDataEndpointEnabled |
boolean |
Whether or not the public data endpoint is enabled. |
properties.requestedBackupStorageRedundancy |
The storage account type to be used to store backups for this instance. The options are Local (LocallyRedundantStorage), Zone (ZoneRedundantStorage), Geo (GeoRedundantStorage) and GeoZone(GeoZoneRedundantStorage) |
properties.restorePointInTime |
string (date-time) |
Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. |
properties.servicePrincipal |
The managed instance's service principal. |
properties.sourceManagedInstanceId |
string (arm-id) |
The resource identifier of the source managed instance associated with create operation of this instance. |
properties.state |
string |
The state of the managed instance. |
properties.storageIOps |
integer (int32) |
Storage IOps. Minimum value: 300. Maximum value: 80000. Increments of 1 IOps allowed only. Maximum value depends on the selected hardware family and number of vCores. |
properties.storageSizeInGB |
integer (int32) |
Storage size in GB. Minimum value: 32. Maximum value: 16384. Increments of 32 GB allowed only. Maximum value depends on the selected hardware family and number of vCores. |
properties.storageThroughputMBps |
integer (int32) |
Storage throughput MBps parameter is not supported in the instance create/update operation. |
properties.subnetId |
string (arm-id) |
Subnet resource ID for the managed instance. |
properties.timezoneId |
string |
Id of the timezone. Allowed values are timezones supported by Windows. Windows keeps details on supported timezones, including the id, in registry under KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. You can get those registry values via SQL Server by querying SELECT name AS timezone_id FROM sys.time_zone_info. List of Ids can also be obtained by executing [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() in PowerShell. An example of valid timezone id is "Pacific Standard Time" or "W. Europe Standard Time". |
properties.vCores |
integer (int32) |
The number of vCores. Allowed values: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 64, 80. |
properties.virtualClusterId |
string |
Virtual cluster resource id for the Managed Instance. |
properties.zoneRedundant |
boolean |
Whether or not the multi-az is enabled. |
sku |
Managed instance SKU. Allowed values for GP_Gen5, GP_G8IM, GP_G8IH, BC_Gen5, BC_G8IM, BC_G8IH |
tags |
object |
Resource tags. |
type |
string |
Resource type. |
Specifies the internal format of instance databases specific to the SQL engine version.
Value | Description |
AlwaysUpToDate | |
SQLServer2022 |
Properties of a active directory administrator.
Name | Type | Description |
administratorType |
Type of the sever administrator. |
azureADOnlyAuthentication |
boolean |
Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. |
login |
string |
Login name of the server administrator. |
principalType |
Principal Type of the sever administrator. |
sid |
string (uuid) |
SID (object ID) of the server administrator. |
tenantId |
string (uuid) |
Tenant ID of the administrator. |
The license type. Possible values are 'LicenseIncluded' (regular price inclusive of a new SQL license) and 'BasePrice' (discounted AHB price for bringing your own SQL licenses).
Value | Description |
BasePrice | |
LicenseIncluded |
A private endpoint connection under a managed instance
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
properties |
Private endpoint connection properties |
Properties of a private endpoint connection.
Name | Type | Description |
privateEndpoint |
Private endpoint which the connection belongs to. |
privateLinkServiceConnectionState |
Connection State of the Private Endpoint Connection. |
provisioningState |
string |
State of the Private Endpoint Connection. |
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource id of the private endpoint. |
Name | Type | Description |
actionsRequired |
string |
The private link service connection description. |
description |
string |
The private link service connection description. |
status |
string |
The private link service connection status. |
Connection type used for connecting to the instance.
Value | Description |
Default | |
Proxy | |
Redirect |
Specifies the mode of database creation.
Default: Regular instance creation.
Restore: Creates an instance by restoring a set of backups to specific point in time. RestorePointInTime and SourceManagedInstanceId must be specified.
Value | Description |
Default | |
PointInTimeRestore |
Pricing model of Managed Instance.
Value | Description |
Freemium | |
Regular |
Principal Type of the sever administrator.
Value | Description |
Application | |
Group | |
User |
Provisioning state of managed instance.
Value | Description |
Canceled | |
Created | |
Failed | |
InProgress | |
Succeeded |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Name | Type | Description |
principalId |
string (uuid) |
The Azure Active Directory principal id. |
tenantId |
string (uuid) |
The Azure Active Directory tenant id. |
type |
The identity type. Set this to 'SystemAssigned' in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource. |
userAssignedIdentities |
User |
The resource ids of the user assigned identities to use |
The managed instance's service principal configuration for a resource.
Name | Type | Description |
clientId |
string |
The Azure Active Directory application client id. |
principalId |
string |
The Azure Active Directory application object id. |
tenantId |
string |
The Azure Active Directory tenant id. |
type |
Service principal type. |
Service principal type.
Value | Description |
None | |
SystemAssigned |
An ARM Resource SKU.
Name | Type | Description |
capacity |
integer (int32) |
Capacity of the particular SKU. |
family |
string |
If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. |
name |
string |
The name of the SKU, typically, a letter + Number code, e.g. P3. |
size |
string |
Size of the particular SKU |
tier |
string |
The tier or edition of the particular SKU, e.g. Basic, Premium. |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Name | Type | Description |
clientId |
string (uuid) |
The Azure Active Directory client id. |
principalId |
string (uuid) |
The Azure Active Directory principal id. |