
مشاركة عبر

SemaphoreAcl Class


Provides a Windows-specific extension method for creating Semaphore objects with specific access control list (ACL) security.

public ref class SemaphoreAcl abstract sealed
public static class SemaphoreAcl
type SemaphoreAcl = class
Public Class SemaphoreAcl


Create(Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, SemaphoreSecurity)

Gets or creates an Semaphore instance, allowing a SemaphoreSecurity instance to be optionally specified to set it during the event creation.

OpenExisting(String, SemaphoreRights)

Opens a specified named semaphore, if it already exists, and applies the desired access rights.

TryOpenExisting(String, SemaphoreRights, Semaphore)

Tries to open a specified named semaphore, if it already exists, applies the desired access rights, and returns a value that indicates whether the operation succeeded.

Applies to