PASQAL provider


You will no longer be able to use Azure Quantum Credits after June 1st, 2025. If you have a remaining balance of Azure Quantum Credits, be sure to redeem them before this date.

PASQAL's quantum computers control neutral atoms with optical tweezers, using laser light to manipulate quantum registers with up to a hundred qubits.

  • Publisher: PASQAL
  • Provider ID: pasqal

The following targets available from this provider:

Target name Target ID Number of qubits Description
Emu-TN pasqal.sim.emu-tn 100 qubits 1D and 2D networks Simulates the time-evolution of a quantum state using the Schrödinger equation corresponding to the actions that the lasers perform.
Fresnel pasqal.qpu.fresnel 100 qubits PASQAL's neutral atoms quantum computer.


PASQAL's Emu-TN emulator simulates the time-evolution of a quantum state using the Schrödinger's equation corresponding to the actions that the lasers perform.

Emu-TN emulator runs on a cluster of DGX nodes, each equipped with NVIDIA A100 GPUs, enabling the emulation of PASQAL’s quantum processors. It's a key tool to prototype and validate quantum programs before running them on the QPU . Up to 100 qubits in 2D arrays can be emulated to develop industrial applications and to advance scientific discovery.

  • Job Type: Simulation
  • Data Format: application/json
  • Target ID: pasqal.sim.emu-tn
  • Target Execution Profile: N/A


Fresnel is PASQAL's quantum computer based on neutral atoms. The neutral atoms, controlled by optical tweezers, compose an array of 100 qubits.

Neutral atoms quantum devices use highly focused lasers, so-called optical tweezers, to trap and manipulate neutral atoms individually to create 1D or 2D qubit arrays in arbitrary configurations. Current PASQAL generation of devices use around 100 rubidium atoms for computations. Each qubit is represented by a two-level energy state in a Rubidium atom, usually a ground state and a Rydberg state which is a high energy state.

  • Job Type: Quantum program
  • Data Format: application/json
  • Target ID: pasqal.qpu.fresnel
  • Target Execution Profile: N/A

Pulser SDK

In PASQAL QPU, individual atoms are trapped at well-defined positions in 1D or 2D lattices. Pulser is a framework for composing, simulating and executing pulse sequences on neutral atoms quantum devices. For more information, see Pulser documentation.

To install Pulser SDK packages, run the following code:

    !pip -q install pulser-simulation #Only for using the local Qutip emulator included in Pulser
    !pip -q install pulser-core

Input data format

PASQAL targets accept JSON files as input data format. To submit the pulse sequences, you need to convert the Pulser objects into a JSON string that can be used as input data.

# Convert the sequence to a JSON string
def prepare_input_data(seq):
    input_data = {}
    input_data["sequence_builder"] = json.loads(seq.to_abstract_repr())
    to_send = json.dumps(input_data)
    #print(json.dumps(input_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    return to_send

Before submitting your quantum job to PASQAL, you need to set proper input and output data format parameters. For example, the following code sets the input data format to pasqal.pulser.v1 and the output data format to pasqal.pulser-results.v1.

# Submit the job with proper input and output data formats
def submit_job(target, seq):
    job = target.submit(
        input_data=prepare_input_data(seq), # Take the JSON string previously defined as input data
        name="PASQAL sequence",
        shots=100 # Number of shots

For more information about how to submit jobs to the PASQAL provider, see Submit a circuit to PASQAL using Pulser SDK.


To see the PASQAL billing plan, visit Azure Quantum pricing.

Limits and quotas

PASQAL quotas apply to the usage of the emulator and QPU and can be increased with a support ticket. To check your current limits and quotas, navigate to the Credits and quotas section, then select the Quotas tab in your workspace on the Azure portal. Refer to Azure Quantum quotas for more information.