مشاركة عبر

استعلامات لجدول WVDConnections

للحصول على معلومات حول استخدام هذه الاستعلامات في مدخل Microsoft Azure، راجع البرنامج التعليمي Log Analytics. للحصول على واجهة برمجة تطبيقات REST، راجع الاستعلام.

أخطاء الاتصال

سرد نقاط التحقق من الاتصال والأخطاء لكل محاولة اتصال، بالإضافة إلى معلومات مفصلة عبر جميع المستخدمين.

//You can also uncomment the where clause to filter to a specific user if you are troubleshooting an issue. 
//| where UserName == "upn.here@contoso.com" 
| project-away TenantId,SourceSystem  
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *), StartTime = min(iff(State=='Started', TimeGenerated , datetime(null) )), ConnectTime = min(iff(State=='Connected', TimeGenerated , datetime(null) )) by CorrelationId  
| join kind=leftouter 
    |summarize Errors=make_list(pack('Code', Code, 'CodeSymbolic', CodeSymbolic, 'Time', TimeGenerated, 'Message', Message ,'ServiceError', ServiceError, 'Source', Source)) by CorrelationId  
) on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter 
    | summarize Checkpoints=make_list(pack('Time', TimeGenerated, 'Name', Name, 'Parameters', Parameters, 'Source', Source)) by CorrelationId  
    | mv-apply Checkpoints on
        order by todatetime(Checkpoints['Time']) asc
        | summarize Checkpoints=make_list(Checkpoints)
) on CorrelationId  
| project-away CorrelationId1, CorrelationId2  
| order by TimeGenerated desc

مدة الجلسة

يسرد مدة ونوع الاتصال لاتصالات كل مستخدم.

// The "State" field provides information on the connection stage of an actitivity.
// The delta between "Connected" and "Completed" provides the connection duration.
| where State == "Connected"  
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated  
| join kind=inner
    | where State == "Completed"  
    | project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId  
| project Duration = EndTime - StartTime, ConnectionType, UserName  
| sort by Duration desc

أفضل 10 مستخدمين حسب متوسط مدة الاتصال

يسرد 10 مستخدمين بأطول متوسط مدة اتصال.

// Connection activities have 3 states, this query demonstrates how to calculate the connection duration.
| where State == "Connected"  
| project CorrelationId, UserName, ConnectionType, StartTime=TimeGenerated  
| join kind=inner
    | where State == "Completed"  
    | project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId  
| project Duration = EndTime - StartTime, ConnectionType, UserName  
| summarize AVGDuration=avg(Duration) by UserName 
| sort by AVGDuration desc 
| limit 10

أفضل 10 مستخدمين نشطين

يسرد أفضل 10 مستخدمين حسب إجمالي مدة الاتصال.

// The connection duration is the delta between "Connected" and "Completed" state.
| where State == "Connected" 
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated 
| join kind=inner
    | where State == "Completed" 
    | project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId 
| extend SessionDuration = EndTime - StartTime
| summarize TotalConnectionTime = sum(SessionDuration) by UserName, ConnectionType
| top 10 by TotalConnectionTime desc

متوسط مدة الاتصال حسب hostpool

ترتيب مجمعات المضيفين حسب متوسط مدة الاتصال.

// Characterize the usage pattern of all hostpools in the current Log Analytics scope
| where State == "Connected"
| project ResourceAlias, CorrelationId, StartTime=TimeGenerated, _ResourceId
| join kind = leftouter 
    | where State == "Completed"  
    | project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
// If connection hasn't completed yet, it is still running so the end time can be assumed to be now (duration so far)
| project Duration = coalesce(EndTime, now()) - StartTime, _ResourceId
| summarize AvgDuration=avg(Duration) by _ResourceId
| parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscription "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroup "/providers/microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools/" HostPool
| project ResourceGroup, HostPool, AvgDuration
| sort by AvgDuration desc

معلومات نظام التشغيل من جانب العميل حسب عدد المستخدمين

ينتج مخطط شريطي لأنظمة التشغيل المستخدمة على أجهزة العميل المتصلة بالنشر.

// Use this query to understand which OS version users have installed on the devices they are connecting from. 
| summarize UserCount=dcount(UserName) by ClientOS 
| sort by UserCount desc 
| render barchart

معلومات استخدام عميل Azure Virtual Desktop

قائمة أنواع العملاء والإصدارات المستخدمة من قبل المستخدمين المتصلين بالنشر.

| summarize UserCount=dcount(UserName) by ClientType, ClientVersion 
| sort by ClientVersion, ClientType, UserCount desc

متوسط وقت تسجيل الدخول إلى جلسة العمل

يسرد متوسط وقت تسجيل الدخول إلى جلسة العمل حسب تجمع المضيف وحالة الجلسة.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)
| where State == "Started"
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated, _ResourceId
| join kind=inner
    | where State == "Connected"  
    | project ConnectTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| join kind=inner
    | where Name =~ "LoadBalancedNewConnection"
    | extend LoadBalanceOutcome=tostring(parse_json(Parameters).LoadBalanceOutcome)
) on CorrelationId 
| project Duration = ConnectTime - StartTime, _ResourceId, Session=case(LoadBalanceOutcome in ("Active", "Disconnected"), "ExistingSession", LoadBalanceOutcome == "Pending", "Creating", LoadBalanceOutcome)
// Exclude connections that are happening while another connection kicked off the session creation, since results will be inconclusive
| where Session != "Creating"
| summarize AvgDuration=avg(Duration) by _ResourceId, Session
| parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscription "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroup "/providers/microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools/" HostPool
| project ResourceGroup, HostPool, Session, AvgDuration
| sort by AvgDuration desc