Create logical networks for Kubernetes clusters on Azure Local, version 23H2

Applies to: Azure Local, version 23H2

After you install and configure Azure Local, version 23H2, you must create Arc VM logical networks. AKS on Azure Local uses static logical networks to provide IP addresses to the underlying VMs of the AKS clusters.

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Install and configure Azure Local, version 23H2. Make sure you have the custom location Azure Resource Manager ID, as this ID is a required parameter for creating a logical network.
  • Make sure that the logical network you create contains enough usable IP addresses to avoid IP address exhaustion. IP address exhaustion can lead to Kubernetes cluster deployment failures. For more information, see Networking concepts in AKS on Azure Local, version 23H2.
  • Make sure you have an external VM switch that can be accessed by all the machines in your Azure Local cluster. By default, an external switch is created during the deployment of your Azure Local cluster that you can use to associate with the logical network you will create.

Run the following command to get the name of the external VM switch on your Azure Local cluster:

Get-VmSwitch -SwitchType External

Make a note of the name of the switch. You use this information when you create a logical network. For example:

Get-VmSwitch -SwitchType External
Name                                           SwitchType      NetAdapterInterfaceDescription
----                                           ----------      ----------------------------
ConvergedSwitch(management_compute_storage)    External        Teamed-Interface

Create the logical network

You can create a logical network by using either the Azure CLI or the Azure portal.

To create a logical network on the VM switch in a static IP configuration, you can use the az stack-hci-vm network lnet create command:

az stack-hci-vm network lnet create \
  --subscription $subscription \
  --resource-group $resource_group \
  --custom-location $customLocationID \
  --name $lnetName \
  --vm-switch-name $vmSwitchName \
  --ip-allocation-method "Static" \
  --address-prefixes $addressPrefixes \
  --gateway $gateway \
  --dns-servers $dnsServers \
  --ip-pool-start $ipPoolStart \
  --ip-pool-end $ipPoolEnd \
  --vlan 10

For static IP, the required parameters are as follows:

Required parameters Description
--name Name for the logical network that you create for your Azure Local cluster. Make sure to provide a name that follows the rules for Azure resources. You can't rename a logical network after it's created.
--resource-group Name of the resource group where you create the logical network.
--subscription Name or ID of the subscription where your Azure Local is deployed.
--custom-location Provide the custom location associated with your Azure Local cluster where you're creating the logical network.
--vm-switch-name The name of the VM switch. Usage: --vm-switch-name "vm-switch-01".
--address-prefixes AddressPrefix for the network. Currently only 1 address prefix is supported. Usage: --address-prefixes "".
--dns-servers Space-separated list of DNS server IP addresses. Usage: --dns-servers
--gateway Gateway. The gateway IP address must be within the scope of the address prefix. Usage: --gateway
--ip-allocation-method The IP address allocation method. Supported values are Static. Usage: --ip-allocation-method "Static".
--ip-pool-start The start IP address of your IP pool. The address must be in range of the address prefix. Usage: --ip-pool-start "".
--ip-pool-end The end IP address of your IP pool. The address must be in range of the address prefix. Usage: --ip-pool-end "".
--vlan The VLAN ID. Usage: --vlan 10. This parameter is required, otherwise the default value of 0 results in an AKS Arc cluster creation failure.

Next steps

Create and manage Kubernetes clusters on-premises using Azure CLI