How to Retrieve Azure DevOps Users with Project Access Levels and Roles via PowerShell or API?
I need to retrieve the following details for all users in my Azure DevOps organization: User Name User Email Project (including Project Access Level) User Access Level (License Type) Project Admin Status (Whether the user is a Project Admin) I am…
Bugs in the Unified Tax Model for Document Intelligence
I can't seem to open a support ticket for this, so I'd like to share my findings in how the Unified Tax Model has some bugs and hopefully get some guidance on what to do about it. This is with API version: 2024-11-30 (4.0 General Availability) Test 1 -…
Azure AD user token for role <db_user> is neither an AAD_AUTH_TOKENTYPE_APP_USER or an AAD_AUTH_TOKENTYPE_APP_OBO token.
I followed this tutorial When I run conn = psycopg.connect(conn_string) I…
Azure .NET OpenAPI version 2 has breaking changes
Hi all; Is the new version 2 OpenAIClient and associated classes documented anywhere. All I can find is the 1.0 documentation. And hopefully guidance on how to change my code for the new API. Changes I’ve found (likely many more): Namespace changed…

Partner Center not accepting the WinUI 3.0 desktop application package created with Visual Studio
We built a simple WinUI 3.0 Windows Desktop app and not trying to publish it to the Windows Store. I have tried everything and really exhausted/frustrated that nothing worked and Partner Center keep rejecting the MSIX package generated with Visual Studio…
Azure - MFA Method details moved or hidden for Authentication Administrators role
Our helpdesk team have been assigned the Authentication Administrator roles in Azure to allow them to update MFA methods for our users who call in for help. Recently the view has changed, and hides details like registered phone numbers, or puts them…
Disable First Time Login Password Reset Requirement
I am setting up a demo environment where users will authenticate via Entra through our custom application. I set up new users within a group and assign a generic password for login. I want to keep this generic login for any users I create BUT the first…
how to fix VM being unable to start after changing subscriptions. Subnet issue
I moved my VM from one subscription to another. The move appeared to go through OK, except now the VM won't start because it says there is a subnet referencing the old subscription. When I look at the subnet, it looks like it is referencing the new…
Why does my static web app respond with 500?
... and how do I troubleshoot that? I have a static web app hosted in Azure that has a 'release candidate' environment. I've deployed my app to both; they both show a status of "ready". I can reach the app on the 'release candidate'…
Not able to see database roles above image while am tring add roles like db reader
Not able to see database roles above image while am tring to add roles like db reader.
How to migrate Azure Postgres Flexible Server data to Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL cluster?
How to migrate Azure Postgres Flexible Server data to Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL?

How to add index tags and it's values while uploading blobs using azcopy?
How to add index tags and it's values while uploading blobs using azcopy? I want to upload thousands of blobs in a storage account using azcopy tool. I want to also add index tags to each blob with it's values. For example, for each blob that i upload i…
Bringing up Container Apps environment in our VNET fails (IaC Pulumi)
We want to bring up Container Apps environment in our VNET. This doesn't work and it keeps on timing out. We're using Pulumi as our IaC tool. We want to bring up this environment in a private subnet which is currently not working. We need help with…
Migrate from Application Insights instrumentation keys to connection strings
Even after having developer support plan we are unable to create a support request. This is frustrating. ISSUE: We received an email to Migrate from Application Insights instrumentation keys to connection strings. We need help on this to migrate our…
How to automate Downloading Message Trace logs on a Daily Basis when the entries are more than 10,000,000 per day.
How to automate Downloading Message Trace logs on a Daily Basis when the entries are more than 10,000,000 per day. When the limit is only 100,000. #AutomateDowloading#MessageTraceLogs
Arc Agent installed and connected but failed to initialize
Arc Agent installs and shows connected but fails to initialize and has update status of 'No Update Data'. Uninstall, delete from AUM, restart, reinstall - process succeeded, but Software Assurance attestation failed and did not fix the 'No updates data'…
Azure App Service Session Timeout Issue Behind Application Gateway
Hello Microsoft Community, We are facing session timeout issues with our applications hosted on Azure App Service behind an Application Gateway with WAF enabled. Users can access the applications normally, but after some time, the session expires…
.NET for Android designer not showing
I am developing a .NET for Android application in Visual Studio 2022. When I open a layout file (e.g. activity_main.xml), I see the code view but no design view. Right-clicking and selecting "view designer" does nothing. There is no split view.…
Sideloading unified manifest Add-ins - Required office app versions?
The documentation at states: "Add-ins that use the unified manifest can be sideloaded only on Office Version 2304 (Build 16320.20000) or later."** …
Azure SQL database won't unpause; status stuck on Pausing
One of my databases has been stuck on 'Pausing' for several hours, and won't unpause despite numerous attempts to query it. Auto-pause was enabled, but it has always unpaused without any issue for the past two years. I tried initiating a manual failover…